Ovatko totta sinun kohdallasi? 4 syytä, miksi naisten lesbofantasiat ovat niin yleisiä
Megsanity-sivusto kokosi yhteen asioita, jotka vaikuttavat naisten fantasioihin lesboseksistä.
Viehätys naisen vartaloon
Naiset tietävät parhaiten, että tuskin kenenkään kroppa on täydellinen. Jotkut saattavat ajatella, että miehet odottavat naisen vartalon olevan virheetön, vaikkei se aina olisikaan totuus. Monesti naiset kuitenkin arvostavat sitä, että he tietävät millaista on olla nainen, omien hyvien ja huonojen puolien kanssa. Se myös saada pitämään naisen vartaloa seksikkäänä.
Pinnan alla kytevillä peloilla, niin tiedostamattomilla kuin tiedostetuillakin, uskotaan olevan joissain tapauksissa vaikutusta seksuaalisiin fantasioihin samasta sukupuolesta. Joskus pelko raskaaksi tulemisesta, joutumisesta miehen alistamaksi tai ylipäänsä miehiin liittyvät traumat voivat vaikuttaa fantasioihin.
Mielikuvat naisesta sängyssä
Monesti ajatellaan, että nainen tuntee naisen vartalon parhaiten. Siksi useat voivat olettaa, että naiset ovat miehiä parempia ainakin suuseksissä. Tutkimukset ovatkin todistaneet, että lesbot saavat enemmän orgasmeja kuin heterot. Naisten suuri empaattisuus voi joissain tapauksissa kuitenkin vähentää seksikertojen määrää pitkällä tähtäimellä.
Naisen vartalon nautinnon tutkiminen
Fantasiat auttavat monesti tutkimaan niitä asioita, jotka tuntuvat itsestä hyvältä. Tällöin ne voivat olla tutkimusmatka myös omaan vartaloon. Toisaalta lesbofantasiat voivat olla yksinkertaisesti unelmointia siitä, mitä tahtoisi tehdä toisen naisen kanssa.
Lue myös: Uusi seksitutkimus: Lesbot saavat eniten orgasmeja, biseksuaalit jäävät vähälle
Lähde: Megsanity
- Underlying fears: These may include the fear of pregnancy (because it is difficult to get knocked up from a lesbian encounter), a fear of being overpowered or fear of men in general from a past trauma
- Natural interest in female body/early discovery of femininity: Celebrating our bodies is not something we do in life and we often need an outlet to enjoy the female body for what it is. It isn’t like America’s Next Top Model is going to do that shit for us.
- Celebration of being female, or focus on what makes the female body feel good: Experimentation in fantasy may allow us
to explore pieces of our own pleasure or discover other things we may like by doing them to another woman, instead of being a drive to actually engage in a girl-on-girl encounter.
- Inadvertently pulled in from pornographic images or though constant societal bombardment: As much as we hate it, we are receptive to what we see and may experiment with things we believe others are attracted to because we saw it in a pornographic movie, on television or in a sexy hamburger commercial
- Dissatisfaction in real life relationships: Many believe that other woman are better than men at oral sex or improving stimulation. In other words we may subconsciously or otherwise assume that ladies know what ladies like. This is backed up by recent research which shows that lesbian women may have more orgasms than their heterosexual ones5, but the high empathy in female/female relationships can also lead to reductions in sexual encounters over time which is another issue altogether6.
- Underlying fears: These may include the fear of pregnancy (because it is difficult to get knocked up from a lesbian encounter), a fear of being overpowered or fear of men in general from a past trauma
- Natural interest in female body/early discovery of femininity: Celebrating our bodies is not something we do in life and we often need an outlet to enjoy the female body for what it is. It isn’t like America’s Next Top Model is going to do that shit for us.
- Celebration of being female, or focus on what makes the female body feel good: Experimentation in fantasy may allow us
to explore pieces of our own pleasure or discover other things we may like by doing them to another woman, instead of being a drive to actually engage in a girl-on-girl encounter.
- Inadvertently pulled in from pornographic images or though constant societal bombardment: As much as we hate it, we are receptive to what we see and may experiment with things we believe others are attracted to because we saw it in a pornographic movie, on television or in a sexy hamburger commercial
- Dissatisfaction in real life relationships: Many believe that other woman are better than men at oral sex or improving stimulation. In other words we may subconsciously or otherwise assume that ladies know what ladies like. This is backed up by recent research which shows that lesbian women may have more orgasms than their heterosexual ones5, but the high empathy in female/female relationships can also lead to reductions in sexual encounters over time which is another issue altogether6.
- Underlying fears: These may include the fear of pregnancy (because it is difficult to get knocked up from a lesbian encounter), a fear of being overpowered or fear of men in general from a past trauma
- Natural interest in female body/early discovery of femininity: Celebrating our bodies is not something we do in life and we often need an outlet to enjoy the female body for what it is. It isn’t like America’s Next Top Model is going to do that shit for us.
- Celebration of being female, or focus on what makes the female body feel good: Experimentation in fantasy may allow us
to explore pieces of our own pleasure or discover other things we may like by doing them to another woman, instead of being a drive to actually engage in a girl-on-girl encounter.
- Inadvertently pulled in from pornographic images or though constant societal bombardment: As much as we hate it, we are receptive to what we see and may experiment with things we believe others are attracted to because we saw it in a pornographic movie, on television or in a sexy hamburger commercial
- Dissatisfaction in real life relationships: Many believe that other woman are better than men at oral sex or improving stimulation. In other words we may subconsciously or otherwise assume that ladies know what ladies like. This is backed up by recent research which shows that lesbian women may have more orgasms than their heterosexual ones5, but the high empathy in female/female relationships can also lead to reductions in sexual encounters over time which is another issue altogether6.
- Underlying fears: These may include the fear of pregnancy (because it is difficult to get knocked up from a lesbian encounter), a fear of being overpowered or fear of men in general from a past trauma
- Natural interest in female body/early discovery of femininity: Celebrating our bodies is not something we do in life and we often need an outlet to enjoy the female body for what it is. It isn’t like America’s Next Top Model is going to do that shit for us.
- Celebration of being female, or focus on what makes the female body feel good: Experimentation in fantasy may allow us
to explore pieces of our own pleasure or discover other things we may like by doing them to another woman, instead of being a drive to actually engage in a girl-on-girl encounter.
- Inadvertently pulled in from pornographic images or though constant societal bombardment: As much as we hate it, we are receptive to what we see and may experiment with things we believe others are attracted to because we saw it in a pornographic movie, on television or in a sexy hamburger commercial
- Dissatisfaction in real life relationships: Many believe that other woman are better than men at oral sex or improving stimulation. In other words we may subconsciously or otherwise assume that ladies know what ladies like. This is backed up by recent research which shows that lesbian women may have more orgasms than their heterosexual ones5, but the high empathy in female/female relationships can also lead to reductions in sexual encounters over time which is another issue altogether6.